Trish 14th February 2024

Today is Valentines Day and I have been reminiscing about when Eleanor decided to prepare breakfast in bed for Martin and I. She was around 10 years old and lovingly surprised us with partially buttered cold toast along with a fried egg which had barely seen the pan, accompanied by a loving hug while wishing us a happy Valentines Day! We were so touched by what she had done for us . She was very proud of her achievements in the kitchen. Suffice to say that I was left to clear up the mess in the kitchen while secretly sliding the contents of our breakfast in the bin. One of the loveliest and most thoughtful gestures 💗 We always sent Eleanor a mystery Valentines card as a symbol of our love for her. So today she will have Valentines flowers. The daffodils planted in memory of her will soon be blooming all around the country too. Happy Valentines my lovely 🥰 x